CLE Seminar with Featured Speakers Andrew Harris and John S. Mills
Friday, August 11, 2023 (11:00 AM - 12:30 PM) (EDT)
This webinar addresses whether a recent Florida law impacting negligence actions (known as House Bill 837) will govern cases filed before the law took effect, as well as claims and causes of action that accrued before the law took effect, but are filed after. Our speakers will address the approaches taken so far by circuit court judges across the States, legal arguments raised and overlooked in many of the trial court proceedings, and offer tips and guidance for attorneys in their pending cases.
Bullet Points of What information will be covered:
· The legislative process leading to the enactment of HB 837: does this matter?
· The textualist approach to HB 837: what does this mean?
· The reference to “cause of action” in HB 837.
· The approach taken by defense attorneys and the insurance industry in the immediate aftermath of the law taking effect.
· Circuit court rulings across the State.
· Procedural v. Substantive changes to a statute – does this matter here?
· Constitutional concerns if HB 837 is applied to cases filed before HB 837 took effect.
· Claims that accrued before the law took effect.
· Amendments to lawsuits filed before the law took effect.
· Section 57.105 Motions and ethical considerations.
· Other particular sections of HB 837 and whether they apply to pending cases.
· Appellate review: How and when will issues be decided by our appellate courts?
, FL United States